Everybody has a tickle spot. But can you get tickled like THIS? Nick Bolton here with the latest tactical innovation from Bell & Howl. We call it: TacTickle. Inspired by the tickling techniques used by our heroes in uniform, TacTickle is made of military-grade materials. It can tickle things no ordinary tickler can. It can even survive being frozen in a block of ice, being boiled in 212-degree water, and being run over by my 6,000 lb Humvee. Now THAT's what I call military tough! I mean, there's just nothing else like it on the market today. Support me: https://elliespectacular.com/support FAQ: https://elliespectacular.com/faq DaThings2: http://www.youtube.com/user/DaThings2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaThings